Most men are misled to think the pick up lines work with women.
Pick up lines will work only with right personality. In fact if you build the right personality, you may not need a pickup line at all.
Popular belief is that Men are bold and Women are shy. But when approaching a woman many Men turn most nervous and anxious. That is not bold at all. That is the worst personality then can exude.
Woman are shy; that does not mean they can interact. Instead, they are communication whizzes. They can make men come to them and make them beg to talk, with their personality.
The way they dress, the colors they use, the way they stand, the way they play with hair, the way they turn, the way they look at you, the way they talk, the way they smile they all seduce the men around them to come and talk to them.
Women show a shy personality to make the men come to them instead of they going in search of good men.
Women being shy does not mean they can not talk. They are the queen of talking. Ask any married man, he will tell you how much woman can talk.
If you try your cheesy pick up lines with them, they can sort you out as a pretend in no time.
Talking is a woman's forte. Do not venture there with some cheesy pickup lines alone.
The way you walk to her, the pick up line is not all that important. Instead what you do after that is more important.
Women enjoy a conversation. They need to enjoy being with you.
They might be happy, sad or just plain normal. Each woman is a separate personality.
If some one tells you just some pick up line will work, then they are wrong.
If a woman enjoys being with you, they will naturally continue the relationship.
Being shy is a woman's personality. Being bold is a man's personality.
By being anxious, you do not take the next step to take the relationship forward. A woman can communicate more easily, but they prefer not to.
They want you to make the commitment to build on the relationship. Not in a hurry but in a natural way.
Life is not a project. Woman are not a doll or a robot. You need to work on the relationship, to the enjoyment of both of you.
Do not be surprised by a few rejections. Instead build on the right personality.
There is a right girl born and waiting for you out there for you to reach out.
Do not be anxious; enjoy experiences as they come. Rome is not built in a day.
Know more about her. Talk more on what makes her lively. The more you know her likes and dislikes better prepared you are. Then you can project right personality that connects with her emotionally.
Frequently many relationships fail on emotional issues and not working on the relationships.
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